Tatiana Strelkova
HR Specialist
About company:
Legrand is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of electrical equipment in various spheres. The company has existed only on the Russian market for more than 25 years.
Since 2010 transferred the payroll calculation
In 2018 implementation of the 1C ZUP 8.3 system
We were preparing for the transition with the support of your technical service and Svetlana Petrova (project manager), and from our side there was training in 1C. I had experience with the program, but my colleagues did not.
Our transition went very well. The databases were moved quickly enough, within the specified timeframe, without any violations, in accordance with the contract. The main difficulty was that we had a lot of external modifications that needed to be transferred into 1C.
This was especially true for the legal entity “Kontaktor”, because there was a more complex accounting of entries that were used in the self-written 1C 7. Therefore, certain technical difficulties were from the side of one of the bases. Since we were preparing for the transition, together with Svetlana we made up a certain template of internal tasks for each of the legal entities to set up the system. Therefore, our transition went without a hitch.
Everything was clear and understandable enough. Here the question is rather that not all client specialists have experience with outsourcing.
It’s good that you have written algorithms and standards for interaction, you have matrices, they are standardized, this is very convenient. So at the beginning of the interaction, such matrices help to bring the client’s processes into a standard form.
The employee understands that he does these simple actions along a very simple route. It’s very clear and convenient. This did not cause any difficulties. It means that with a certain lack of automation in our company, the transfer of, for example, HR management would be a more difficult process. Because if payroll calculation is all in the system, HR management implies a large number of documents.
Legrand is not ready to calculate the salary by its own. Building the HR process would take much longer. Military registration is a lot of paperwork, yes, but the process is standardized for everyone, there is a general order. This is a large volume of activities that can be easily outsourced.
We are doing great with this. When I started working in April 2014, we had a project manager with whom we had some minor disagreements. If I remember correctly, then since the summer of 2014 Svetlana Petrova became our project manager.
I think this is right and deserved. If we had any difficulties or questions, everything was solved. We continue to work with Svetlana till nowadays. Please let it be so!
Of course, each client has its own peculiarities, and Svetlana for us is the best payroll project manager. Six years of close cooperation have proven this.
At the moment our payroll specialist is Tatiana Andreeva. Tatiana also does an excellent job, if we have any questions, she quickly answers them. What is important – we always receive prompt feedback from UCMS, even if a specialist does not yet have a specific answer to some of our questions, then we at least receive information that our question is being analyzed. And that’s great, trust me. This is really great because it is one of the factors for a great collaboration.
I can say the same about the IT service and your technical support. Everything is great.
Good friend
Because you are a good business partner. A company that simplifies the life of its clients and does a good job. You try to be closer to the client while maintaining a human relationship.
Everyone determines for himself what is important to him in these human relations and puts it on the conditions of cooperation.
From non-standard situations, for example, most often there was something in the category “we are on fire, urgently, save, help”. Svetlana comes, writes to the team “urgently, help, save” and the problem is solved.
From the latter – our situation with military records. For half a year already you are helping us with this process. This is a new service for us .
Your colleagues are helping to organize a military registration system. I can also consider this as a fun project.
We weren’t looking for additional providers, we knew you were providing this service. Svetlana clarified some points for us. And we started!
Responsible and professionally competent. In connection with the fact that we are talking about the provision of outsourcing services for calculating payroll, then this is some kind of software computer literacy at a high level. A strong team, as in our case.
No, it’s not difficult. In fact, the harder it is, the faster it is remembered. As with surnames, it is easier to remember Vasya Pupkin than Vasya Ivanov. There were no problems at all. We often call you in a short form “Yusimisi”.
Maintain your current level of service. This also requires certain costs and attention of your specialists. Again, this is one of those questions that I thought about before the interview, because it is difficult to give such advice if everything is fine. If we had any difficulties or conflicts, then perhaps it would be easier for me to answer this question. Probably, from the side of modern technologies, you can offer some kind of client’s web portal.
Many providers provide a client’s portal, but they lead away the interaction with the provider completely into impersonal communication. There are certain advantages – in terms of control. But we still build very individual relationships with clients, with direct client’s access to the performer. We plan to have a client’s portal, but we want it to be more for control functions.
Here I absolutely agree with you. Having is a system where you see your contact persons, your project manager is great. I agree with you that one shouldn’t put it all in absolute digitization.
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