
UCMS Group launches a range of services in the development of documentation for civil defense and emergency situations

03 August 2017

UCMS Group announces the launch of a range of services in the development of documentation for civil defense and emergency situations.

Russian legislation in the field of civil defense and emergency situations requires legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to have a set of documents regulating actions in case of emergencies.

Government Decree No. 470 of 04/19/2017 obliges legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to conduct introductory briefing on civil defense and emergency situations with new employees in the first month after their hiring. This requirement entered into force on May 02, 2017.

During the year, it is necessary to conduct coursework training for personnel. For non-fulfillment of the conditions, penalties are provided in the amount of 200,000 rubles (Article 20.7 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

UCMS Group specialists prepare:

  • order to appoint a person in charge for civil defense and emergency situations;
  • registration log of introductory briefing on civil defense and emergency situations;
  • coursework and introductory briefing program on civil defense and emergency situations;
  • provisions for civil defense and emergency situations.

As a result, you receive the necessary package of documents, which will allow you to protect the company from risk.

You can learn more about the services of UCMS Group in the development of documentation for civil defense and emergency situations read here

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