Debt collection

Debt collection

In situations wheт the company has difficulties with a counterparty who avoids the obligation to pay debts under the contract, we are ready to provide legal support both at the stage of pre-trial debt collection and in case of court.

In practice, UCMS Group lawyers strive to use pre-trial dispute regulation in order to achieve the fastest debt repayment and preserve the partnership between the creditor and the debtor. Our goal is to minimize time costs and obtain the greatest economic benefit. Nevertheless, if necessary, we are ready to provide support in legal proceedings.

We provide the following services:

  • analysis of documents and the current situation, opportunities and risks, creation of a debt collection strategy;
  • pre-trial regulation of a dispute (negotiating, organizing and sending to the debtor of a pre-trial complaint with the conditions for the payment of the debt)
  • judicial regulation of the conflict (preparation of a statement of claim, representation in court);
  • enforcement proceedings (support of the debt collection procedure after a court decision) and control of the debtor.

Your company will receive competent support and qualified assistance at the stages of debt collection if it entrusts the solution of the problem to the lawyers of UCMS Group

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My understanding of the ideal provider completely coincides with your company.

There are different projects, but it is very important for the "magic" to happen, even remote

One of the advantages of UCMS Group is that you really try to do the right service, to be a partner

UCMS Group is an example of a customer-centric company that has more than just a global slogan

Our position is that the better the outsourcer works, the less often we remember about him

Your strengths: efficiency, timeliness and professionalism

Outsourcing is very convenient for the chief accountant

Our goal was to outsource everything, even storage of labor books

Outsourcing is not our job, not our business and we cannot do your job better than you

We have warm relations with UCMS Group. What comes to mind is a very great customer focus

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