Migration Consulting

Migration Consulting

Issues related to obtaining temporary residence permits, residence permits or citizenship of the Russian Federation, traveling to work abroad or inviting foreign specialists to the staff, and others like this, require tedious visits to a number of instances, the collection of many documents, and the correct filling of complex questionnaires. Migration consulting is the only opportunity for companies of any organizational and legal form to simplify bureaucratic procedures and get a guaranteed result.

UCMS Group Russia specialists will help you save your time and nerves by providing step-by-step instructions for obtaining permits and ensuring impeccable accuracy in the preparation and execution of documents.

Our services for businesses and citizens

We offer a full range of services for migration consulting:

We will help the heads of organizations who are not confident in their abilities in terms of documentary support for the employment of foreign citizens, and we will help specialists who have arrived from abroad to quickly and competently formalize the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.

We offer a full range of services in the field of migration consulting, including:

  • Comprehensive support on the entry, stay and employment of foreign citizens in Russia
  • Work permits, including Highly Qualified Specialists (HQS), specialists within the framework of international agreements on temporary work (French Republic, Republic of Korea)
  • Visas for foreign citizens staying on the territory of the Russian Federation with the following purposes: “work for hire”, “foreign employee”
  • Preparation of notifications to state bodies about migration registration, hiring/dismissal of foreign workers, compliance with the obligations to pay salaries to the HQS
  • Accreditation of the company in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Audit of compliance by organizations and foreign citizens with labor and migration legislation of the Russian Federation
  • Registration of invitations for entry and stay on the territory of the Russian Federation of foreign citizens with the following purposes: commercial, tourism, guest, employment, “foreign employee”, accompanying family member
  • Preparation of documents for obtaining quotas for attracting and hiring foreign workers
  • Preparation of certificates of personal accreditation of foreign citizens in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, certification of the number of foreign employees of representative offices and branches of foreign organizations
  • Certification and legalization of documents in state bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as in consular offices of foreign states
  • Comprehensive support of foreign citizens when applying for a Temporary Residence Permit in the Russian Federation
  • Comprehensive support of foreign citizens when applying for a residence permit in the Russian Federation, including on the basis of the status of a Highly Qualified Specialist and his/her family members
  • Comprehensive support of foreign citizens when applying for Russian Citizenship.

Also within the framework of migration consulting from UCMS Group – comprehensive assistance in the field of settling Russian and foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation (selection of real estate, moving, transportation of furniture) and visa support. More details:

Relocation services

Visa support

We offer a full range of services for real estate selection, relocation, transportation, as well as the arrangement of foreign and Russian citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation, including:
  • Selection of real estate for rent/lease in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation
  • Comprehensive technical support during the entire period of residence in a rented facility, including inspections of facilities by a technician when renting / renting a living space, calling technical services and foremen to eliminate breakdowns, as well as coordinating work with the owner of the facility
  • Organization of the process of moving and transporting belongings
  • Organization of study tours, excursions, business, tourist and private trips
  • Selection of educational institutions, including the organization of meetings with the administration and assistance in the preparation and execution of documents
  • Assistance in the selection of domestic staff (nannies, governesses, housekeepers, etc.)
  • Legal support of the contracting process and verification of the legal purity of the object
  • 24-hour technical support in emergency situations
  • Provision of transport for the convenience of the client when viewing real estate

We provide services in the field of visa consulting, as well as registration of travel documents, including:

  • Consulting services for processing travel documents for visiting foreign countries for the following purposes: business, tourism, private visit, treatment, study/work
  • Submission/receipt of documents for registration of entry visas at Consular offices and visa centers of foreign countries
  • Accompanying applicants when applying for visas at consular offices and visa centers of foreign countries, including English-speaking specialists
  • Consulting services on all issues related to border crossing, as well as the entry and stay of Russian citizens on the territory of foreign countries
  • Certification and legalization of documents in consular offices of foreign countries.

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My understanding of the ideal provider completely coincides with your company.

There are different projects, but it is very important for the "magic" to happen, even remote

One of the advantages of UCMS Group is that you really try to do the right service, to be a partner

UCMS Group is an example of a customer-centric company that has more than just a global slogan

Our position is that the better the outsourcer works, the less often we remember about him

Your strengths: efficiency, timeliness and professionalism

Outsourcing is very convenient for the chief accountant

Our goal was to outsource everything, even storage of labor books

Outsourcing is not our job, not our business and we cannot do your job better than you

We have warm relations with UCMS Group. What comes to mind is a very great customer focus

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