Business process analysis

Business process analysis

Have you ever wondered how your business productivity will increase if you build internal processes correctly?

Practice shows that the analysis of business processes is an effective tool in the hands of a competent leader.

Business process analysis includes:

  • Correct document management in accordance with the requirements of legislation and internal company policies;
  • Well-established installation of internal control;
  • Risk assessment process.

Correct document management is the issuance of regulated documents at the right time at each stage of a business transaction. When the process goes right, the company’s accounting system becomes more transparent. This is extremely important when analyzing errors that lead to loss of productivity. For example, an incorrectly drawn up contract allows the customer to demand the impossible, and the contractor leaves no room for maneuver. Risks and force majeure not specified in the contract, the absence of a well-defined area of obligations, an ill-considered range of responsibilities of the parties – these things lead to bad results.

Internal control is a significant part of a modern management system that achieves the goals set by the business owners with minimal costs.

Internal control of business processes includes such operations as:

  • The process of collecting, generalizing and transferring data on the facts of the economic life of the enterprise. Understanding of what measures are being taken to ensure the functioning of control over assets and workflow at the enterprise;
  • Fixing functional responsibilities with the distribution of areas of responsibility, access rights to the system, and measures of exceeding official powers;
  • The budget control and budgetary policy, determining who is responsible and understanding how budget control takes place;
  • Monitoring the existence of an assessment of the workload of employees, photographs of the working day.

If these controls are not formally carried out, but actually work, then orderliness and productivity will increase.

Business process risk assessment is needed to avoid penalties from numerous inspection bodies.

Business process risk assessment includes:

  • Currency control risks;
  • Monitoring changes in legislation;
  • Currency risks, fluctuations in rates;
  • Information security risks, protection of the corporate information system;
  • Risks of damage or loss of company property.

You can safely add to this point the presence of internal policies that can help in case of disputable situations, for example, if the company has prescribed reliability checks on counterparties, the document can be presented for pre-trial settlement of disputes, or already directly in court.

It is worth paying special attention to the indicators of successfully built business processes that are already working and support the principles:

  • Responsibility at all levels;
  • Balance;
  • Constancy;
  • Complexity;
  • Distribution of responsibilities.

Business process analysis is a procedure that allows you to identify, localize and eliminate problem areas in the work of the company.

Our company has taken a course to implement the best practices in this increasingly popular direction. We look at the basis of which accounting systems, how and at what point in time a business transaction is carried out at each stage of the company’s activities, how it is reflected in the accounting and how it is documented. We communicate with responsible employees to immerse ourselves in the sequence of business processes from the inside.

As a result, you get an expert opinion on the company’s weak points – sources of efficiency losses and recommendations for their elimination. We will show in which areas risks arise and offer ready-made solutions to eliminate them.

5 преимуществ UCMS Group

Знаем обо всех изменениях законодательства
Мы в курсе последних изменений в области заработной платы: налоговых выплат, отчислений в Пенсионный фонд и иных обязательных отчислений.
В нашей команде – только опытные профессионалы
У нас работают квалифицированные специалисты с индивидуальным подходом к клиенту
Учитываем все изменения внутри компании клиента
С нами сотрудничают на постоянной основе. И мы оперативно реагируем на любые изменения в компаниях клиентов – анализируем и, при необходимости, вносим корректировки в свою работу. Это не требует дополнительных расходов со стороны клиента – опция входит в стандартный пакет услуг.
Запускаем новый проект за 1-2 месяца
Разрабатываем и согласовываем порядок взаимодействия для каждой компании. Мы можем начать работу на следующий день – отталкиваемся от пожеланий клиента.
Предлагаем как стандартный, так и эксклюзивный пакет услуг
Уточните подробности у нашего консультанта.

Свяжитесь с нами: мы подробно расскажем условия, подготовим специальный пакет услуг и договоримся о следующих шагах 

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My understanding of the ideal provider completely coincides with your company.

There are different projects, but it is very important for the "magic" to happen, even remote

One of the advantages of UCMS Group is that you really try to do the right service, to be a partner

UCMS Group is an example of a customer-centric company that has more than just a global slogan

Our position is that the better the outsourcer works, the less often we remember about him

Your strengths: efficiency, timeliness and professionalism

Outsourcing is very convenient for the chief accountant

Our goal was to outsource everything, even storage of labor books

Outsourcing is not our job, not our business and we cannot do your job better than you

We have warm relations with UCMS Group. What comes to mind is a very great customer focus

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